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  1. Services offered: Translation services: Translation of Thai to English language documents - specializing in technical documents, Thai comics and novels. Translation of Japanese to English language documents - specializing in business and legal documents, comics and novels. English language proof-reading of technical documentation and industry publications - with particular expertise in the marine, offshore renewable energy and submarine telecom industries. Proof-reading of English language novels, short stories and e-books etc. - any any of your other English language and American English proof-reading requirements! Please use the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page to contact Vic Rolfe directly, if interested in any of these services For example: Spot the 'deliberate' mistakes in these: From a leading medical news journal: And from a leading telecom news journal: The use of the word "Facebook" twice in the same sentence was clearly not intended in the medical journal article. And in the telecom news article... Vendors "will be" or they "will remain"? Come on, now - one or the other! These are the kind of mistakes that your average spell-checker will not pick up but a human proof-reader can - and, in my case, usually will! Sometimes, to be fair, not in my own writing but that is why we often need a 'fresh pair of eyes' to look at what we have written.
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