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About this blog

The title of this blog has been shamelessly stolen from a Led Zeppelin track of the same name, on Led Zep II (1969)

It just about say's it all!! ?

Entries in this blog

A message to Meimei

Meimei was my dearly loved 14 year-old Siberian Husky in the Philippines. She passed-away peacefully the other day. I can't complain at that as she was well-loved and well looked after by my two youngest daughters. She enjoyed life. She was a real surviver and she lived to a ripe old age. My only regret is that due to these ridiculous and largely useless travel bans, I was not able to be with her even once during the last 15 months of her life. 'Just one more of the billions of Covid-1

My letter to the Financial Times

More power to Anders Tegnell !! All makt åt Anders Tegnell !! !!     My letter to the ft. Needless to say, they didn't publish this. So, haha, I decided to publish it myself:      

Vic Rolfe

Vic Rolfe

Ramble On - Lyrics

The cover photo shows the Perfect Strangers Band, with Bhebot on lead guitar at the Amazonia Bar in Ermita, Manila - some time in August, 2005   Here's the lyrics to the Led Zeppelin song, the title of which I stole for my blog! Ramble On - from Led Zep II Led Zeppelin - Ramble On Lyrics Courtesy of azlyrics.com    

Vic Rolfe

Vic Rolfe

"Merchant seamen, they are the scum of the earth."

Cover image: NOW AND THEN: The Seaman’s Union on Ruperra Street, Newport - used with the very kind permission of the South Wales Argus   Before you shoot me, please note the quotation marks! So who did say that? During a recent email rant with a friend of mine, over not being able to get off a ship in the UAE, having already spent four weeks in quarantine - and despite the fact that Emirates are providing a limited number of repatriation flights to the UK - I mentioned to him

Vic Rolfe

Vic Rolfe

My take on the collective insanity which is currently gripping the world

Well... It would have been nice if I could have started-off the first blog on my brand-spanking new personal website, with something a little more cheerful. But there's not much else to talk about, these days... Hopefully, I will be proven totally wrong and we can all get back to "normal" before too long?! In the meantime, I have enabled "Guest Posting," just in case anyone wants to make a comment. (Just check-out the "Guidelines" link in the main navigation bar, on a laptop - or that

Vic Rolfe

Vic Rolfe

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